
First saree flash mob in India

If students and kids can do it, can women be far behind? More than 50 Indian women dressed up in sarees to participate in the first-ever saree flash mob in Delhi to celebrate the traditional Indian drape.

The event was organised by an organisation called Deviditi, as part of a campaign to encourage women to wear sarees more frequently. The women grooved to popular Bollywood dance numbers at the city’s Select City Mall. Deviditi also works towards women’s empowerment and runs a Facebook group to encourage women to drape sarees six months ago.

This isn’t the only initiative that extolls the diversity and beauty of the Indian garment. Earlier in the year, two Bengaluru women started the #100SareePact with the aim of wearing 100 different sarees during 2015 and sharing the stories and memories associated with each. It is now a popular trend on social media, with participants sharing their pictures, along with anecdotes and the number of sarees worn so far.

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