

Showing posts with label Bhumika Chawla. Show all posts

Bhumika Chawla latest floating in pool


Bhumika Chawla latest Pencil Drawing


Monday Vibes Bhumika Chawla


Tollywood Actress Bhumika Chawla latest Photo Shoot


Bhumika Chawla latest Kirak Posters


Actress Bhumika chawla latest Clicks

Bhumika Chawla to play Keyrole in Srikanth and Sumanth Ashwin film

 Kushi Fame Bhumika Chawla to do a role in Srikanth and Sumanth Ashwin upcoming tleugu movie, directed by Guru Pavan, the film also features Tanya Hope.

Actress Bhumika last seen in Nandamuri Balakrishna Movie Ruler.

Bhumika Chawla Accepted the Green Challenge and Plated Trees

Bhumika Chawla Accepted the Green Challenge and Plated Trees in her residence. She took Instagram and plated tress.

She Wrote on her Instagram
Planted a Gulmohar Tree — thank you @isampathnandi for making me a part of this beautiful chain ... I feel happy to be A small part of this initiative 🌸 a few years later hope to sit there in the shade see the flowers bloom - and let the future generation smile seeing it.

Bhumika Chawla Wished Legend A Very Happy Birthday

The Kushi Actress Bhumika Chawla wished Nandamuri Balakrishna A very Happy Birthday. 

Bhumika Chawla and Balakrishna Acted in Ruler telugu movie.  

She Shared her on Instagram Account Twitter, the Movie Promotions with Balakrishna.

Nandamuri Balakrishna Garu Celebrating his 60th birthday today.
( Wished a very happy birthday to the Legend.

Bhumika Chawla Wished Legend A Very Happy Birthday
Image Courtesy: Twitter

Bhumika Chawla South Africa Safari Vacation

Tollywood Actress Bhumika Chawla Vacation at South Africa Safari.

Bhumika Chawla Stunning Photo Shoot Never Seen

Tollywood Popular Actress, Kushi Fame Bhumika chawla Stunning Photo Shoot Never Seen

Image Courtesy: Instagram 
Image Courtesy: Instagram

Image Courtesy: Instagram

Bhumika Chawla Saree Show in Telugu Movie

Kushi Star Bhumika Chawla Stunning Saree stills in a Telugu Movie.

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Throw Back Pics Bhumika Chawla Stunning Photo Shoot

One of the Most Talented Former South Indian Actress Bhumika Chawla Throwback Stunning Photo Shoot

Bhumika Chawla at For Bharat’s art exhibition in Dubai

Kushi Beauty Bhumika Chawla at her Husband Art exhibition at Dubai.  Bhumika Seen after a long time. She recently acted in Balakrishna Movie.