

Showing posts with label Shama Sikander. Show all posts

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shama Sikander black beach wear
Image Courtesy: Twitter

Shama Sikander latest Bikini Avatar

Shama Sikander spent the Christmas vacation in a Style

Shama Sikander  Name Every one knows if you are a Social sites follwer regulorly. She was active in Social Media, Specially in Instagram, She Post often Shere her Photos, Her Vacatoins and Updates of her Activity.

She shared, "I love spending time in some exciting parts of the world during the year end and this time it was a prolonged vacation. It's lovely out here.
I spent the Christmas vacation with my family. We went to Disney for the new years eve and then I went to Miami to start my new year. It was amazing."

Laxmi Raai and Shama Sikander Liting Fire

#LaxmiRaai with #ShamaSikander 🔥🔥

Summer vibes 💛 ☀️ The stunning 
 with hottie ❤️
 in a summer vacation..

Shama Sikander in White Gown at latest Event

The Stylish people wears clothes. The clothes don't wear them.... last night at #lokmatmoststylishawards2019
#presenter Wearing:- #elizabethfranchii

Jewellery:- #amisukhadia
Makeup & hair:-

Shama Sikander Latest Photo

As you start & end your day, be thankful for every little thing in your life. You will come to realize how blessed you truly are....
#blessed #love #grateful #thankful #happy #life #motivation #happiness #beautiful #travel #fitness #lifestyle #goodvibes #inspiration

Shama Sikander

Shama Sikander Heating Tempo in Orange Bikini

- Loving your body ONLY when it's in perfect shape is like loving your kids ONLY when they're well behaved....