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Area | Collection |
Nizam | 8.10 Cr. |
Ceded | 3.44 Cr. |
Andhra | 8.08 Cr. |
East | 1.55 Cr. |
West | 1.08 Cr. |
Krishna | 1.07 Cr. |
Guntur | 1.73 Cr. |
Nellore | 0.82 Cr. |
Total AP & Nizam Share | 19.62 Cr. |
Overseas | 3.62 Cr. |
Rest of India | 1.81 Cr. |
Total Share in 3 days | 25.5 Cr. |
Gunasekhar’s most ambitious project based on the warrior princess of the Kakatiya Kingdom, ‘Rudramadevi’, is set to hit screen this summer. Almost 9 years of research and 2 years of shooting went into the making of this first ever historical 3D Stereographic film in India.
The film’s post-production work is coming to an end and Gunasekhar is planning to release the audio on 8th April at the Warangal Fort, the historical ruins of the Kakatiya kingdom. Recently, the makers unveiled the film’s trailer to a thumping response, taking the expectations on the film quite high.
The film’s music is composed by legendary composer Ilaiyaraaja. Featuring Anushka as Rudramadevi, the film boasts of an ensemble cast comprising of Rana Daggubati , Allu Arjun, Nitya Menen, Prakash Raaj and others essaying important roles.
Gunasekhar’s most ambitious project #Rudramadevi stills
The film’s post-production work is coming to an end and Gunasekhar is planning to release the audio on 8th April at the Warangal Fort, the historical ruins of the Kakatiya kingdom. Recently, the makers unveiled the film’s trailer to a thumping response, taking the expectations on the film quite high.
The film’s music is composed by legendary composer Ilaiyaraaja. Featuring Anushka as Rudramadevi, the film boasts of an ensemble cast comprising of Rana Daggubati , Allu Arjun, Nitya Menen, Prakash Raaj and others essaying important roles.
Gunasekhar’s most ambitious project #Rudramadevi stills
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